Each CHALLENGE consists of the base exercise ROCKERS and ONE exercise from the Exercise Library


  • Stand at the centre point of the AquaBase with the wide legs and move weight side to side
  • Make the water as agitated as possible!



CHALLENGE 1 – (Anterior) Walking Plank

03 minutes, 45 seconds

Walking Plank

  • Hands flat on the AquaBase with arms extended directly underneath shoulders and legs extended behind
  • Engage core and hold that position whilst dropping to one elbow, followed by the other elbow before returning back to hands
  • Repeat
  • Progressions are on knees, on toes with wide feet and on toes with narrow feet






CHALLENGE 2 – (Posterior) Opposite Arm and Leg (Elbow and Knee Touch)

03 minutes, 45 seconds

Opposite Arm and Leg (Elbow and Knee Touch)

  • Start by kneeling on the AquaBase with hands positioned under shoulders, fingers facing forwards and head in line with spine
  • Lift right arm and left leg up towards the ceiling, keeping abdominals tight
  • Contract abdominals so elbow and kee touch under torso and extend again to starting position



CHALLENGE 3 – (Core) Star Abs

03 minutes, 45 seconds

Star Abs

  • Lie on the AquaBase in the supine position
  • Flex at the hip bringing one leg up to 90 degree angle
  • Reach and touch toes with opposite hand
  • Repeat other side



CHALLENGE 4 – (Balance) T Stand

03 minutes, 45 seconds

T Stand

  • Stand up at the centre point of the AquaBase
  • Abdominal core stabilizing muscles engaged
  • With arms out to the sides in a”T” position, test balance (eyes open or closed) by rotating torso to the right side and then to the left side
  • With arms out to the sides in a “T” position (eyes open or closed) bend the torso sideways to the right and then to the left side


CHALLENGE 5 – (Legs) Hip Thrusts

03 minutes, 45 seconds

Hip Thrusts

  • Lie on the AquaBase in a supine position with feet flat on the floor and legs bent
  • Raise hips to the ceiling whilst one foot is off the AquaBase
  • Progressions are wide feet, narrow feet and hands above shoulders