8 Tips to Get Children Active

Encouraging children to be active 

It is important for children to be active every day.  

Exercise is an essential part of a child’s development. There are so many reasons why exercise is important for children. Regular exercise increases strength in muscles and bones, helps reduce obesity in children, decreases the risk of developing diabetes and so much more. It can improve concentration at school.  

When children develop healthy habits early it lays the foundation for a future healthy life. 

The UK government recommend that children between the ages of 5 and 18 should engage in moderate to vigorous intensity physical exercise for at least 60 minutes every day.

Here are the AquaPhysical 8 tips to encourage children remain active. 

1. lead by example 

Be a positive role model and lead a healthy lifestyle yourself. 

Children that see their parents/guardians enjoying an active, healthy lifestyle are more likely to pick up these habits. Be conscious about decisions you are making and how they affect your child. 

2. fun activities 

The more they enjoy exercising, the more likely they will continue. 

Find activities your child enjoys. Each child is different and will prefer a range of activities. Ensure they are taking part in activities they have fun attending.  

3. age appropriate activities 

Activities can have a detrimental effect on a child if started too early. 

Ensure that the activity is suitable for your child’s age group. Weight lifting is not appropriate for an 8 year old but football, bicycle riding, and swimming are all good activities for this age group. 

4. do not overdo it  

Exercising should not hurt. Injury or discomfort can lead to a negative association with exercise. 

When your child is ready to start being active, remind them to be aware of how their body feels.  If they say it hurts in any way, tell them to slow down or try a less vigorous activity.   

Exercise should not interfere with school or other priorities 

5. bring friends 

Exercising with a friend or friends makes it more enjoyable. 

Activities like tag and FloatFit GROW are great ways for children to be active whilst being with friends. Children may not see these activities as exercising, just having fun with friends. 

6. safe environment 

Making sure children feel safe and comfortable will make it easier for them to fall in love with exercise. 

Always make sure all equipment and the area that is being used is safe and appropriate for the activity. Clothing needs to be comfortable and appropriate.  

7. add exercise to daily routine 

Adding a daily activity after school helps interest in being active increase. 

Making exercise a part of life helps children build habits that will benefit them in the future.

8. active toys 

The earlier a child starts to be active the easier it is for them to continue in the future. 

Give them toys that encourage movement. Balls, skipping ropes, a bicycle. Old fashioned games like hopscotch only need a piece of chalk and a friend. 

It is important that children are active every dayThis aids future development and can even help avoid certain health issues. 

FloatFit Grow classes are active and fun! Why not see if your child wants to give them a go?

Learn more about GROW.

2019-05-23T17:01:08+01:00March 11th, 2019|